9 Tips and Tricks for Turning in Trip Paperwork
The front office scans all trip paperwork that comes into the office. For proper scanning, we would greatly appreciate your cooperation with the following items:
• Please use the correct order number on your paperwork and be sure it is readable. Make sure you fill out your name and dates at the top. All paperwork is scanned and “filed” in the computer by the order number. If you turn in the wrong order number on your paperwork, it will not be filed correctly, billed correctly, or paid to you correctly.
• Please do not use staples to put your paperwork together.
• Do NOT fold your papers multiple times. Please put all papers together for a particular trip/order, fold the trip report in half, place the papers inside the folded trip report, and then paperclip them together. (Folds and wrinkles cause the scanning equipment to jam.)
• Please only use one truck per trip report and one order (load) per trip report.
• Write expenses on the trip report. Be sure to let us know if you paid cash or charged with a personal debit/credit card and need to be reimbursed.Send in your receipts for the expenses you paid for personally, so you can be reimbursed.
• Turn in signed unload slips by both you and the customer when you engage your pump. Write it on your trip report or you may not be paid your $ 25.00.
• Turn in detention forms from customers, filled out, that require them (i.e. American Yeast).
• Make sure your bill of lading matches your order number and is with the correct trip report and any other paperwork for that order.
• Photocopies are NOT accepted because they are too dark to be readable after being scanned, and we will not send them to the customer that way.
Your cooperation on the above items will help eliminate potential problems with your pay and the billing of our customers.